Friday, March 7, 2014

Outreach Jobs

Three weeks from today I will be leaving for Cambodia, the beginning of my outreach phase! Outreach preparation is in full swing now. We got our outreach job assignments this week. I am in charge of getting all our Indian Visa information together (19 visas total) and then once we are in Darjeeling I am in charge of transportation. That means I have to look at maps and get the teams from point A to point B, keep track of transportation finances, and what type of transportation we will be using. I am currently in the middle of all the Visa stuff because we have to take our visa applications to the embassy by Wednesday. India has the toughest visa application process ever but after this I will be set to go to any country! [

So besides lots of outreach stuff I had a FANTASTIC week of lectures! I am really sad this week had to end. Tuesday night we had our last Lights in the Community (the school we have after school programs at), after finishing that I really noticed how little of time we have in Thailand now. Wednesday night was Indonesian Community night. I found out that Americans say 'orangutan' totally different then everyone else. Thursday night Sarah and I got to "babysit" Nicole and Sopo's (the founders of Ark) kids. I had a blast! We played Dominoes until their bedtime and then Sarah and I told the two youngest kids a bedtime story. They requested that we make up a story, I don't know how much the kids liked it but Sarah and I had so much fun telling the story and being total dorks. We got to pray with both the kids and they, of course, both requested that Sarah pray in French (I love it when she prays; it sounds so cool!). After I prayed the son who is 9 asked me why American kids pray on the side of the bed with their hands folded. I told him a lot of kids don't do that and asked what made him think all American kids did that. His response: They always do that in the movies. I never that of that as an American stereotype thing haha. So yeah that's life here. We have the whole weekend off. Yay! I have time to get all the Visa stuff, reading for my second book report, and catch up work done!

Prayer requests:
-Outreach fees for those who still need them (we are having a fundraiser next Saturday)
-Praying for unity in our team
-PLEASE start praying that no one will get sick or injured on outreach!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Britt, I didn't realize I could comment on your blogs...Sorry! I check just about every day to see if there is any new posts, so I hope you don't feel that no one was reading them. You are on my favorite list! I miss hearing about your adventures, but I know that you are probably a very busy girl! I am excited for your outreach locations especially Darjeeling. I hope you have awesome and safe adventures and have been praying for all your whole DTS. I am so proud of you! Love you, Aunt Karen
