Saturday, May 24, 2014

Last week in Darj

The village was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I seriously could of lived there. The pastors family was so kind and caring (also made AMAZING food). The drive resembled a jeep run at home...expect the roads were paved. Once in the village you walked everywhere! After our arrival we walked 15-20 mins on a hiking trail (except what I would consider a hiking trail was a sidewalk to them) up the mountain to a house fellowship. It was a couple, grandma and aunt. After having a little service in their house they asked if we could pray for some other family members that lived nearby. It was awesome to bless this family through prayer :) on our way back that night a neighbor hood dog randomly followed us home. We named him Mufsa. The dog ended up waking us all up at 1am with his barking.

The next morning Lynne, Andi and I set out to find water bottles (which apparently do not exist in this village). Just to clarify we did have water in the village they just boiled it to make it safe (for some reason at the pastors house the water always had a smoky taste). Anyway we ended up with another neighborhood  dog after that walk...we named him Simba. That afternoon we took a 30 minute walk to another house fellowship in a different part of the village. This house fellowship was much bigger and included a lot of teens. After that was over we went and prayed for a few people in the community. Later that day we had youth group at the church that the pastor we were staying with led. We played games which everyone got into. I gave the message. I spoke on "Why God wants our hearts." That evening Melinda, Lynne, Andi and I all hung out in my room playing cards. Side note: tea is a big deal in this part of India so in just one day we had 5 tea times.

Sunday was a nice chill morning (church doesn't start until 11am). It was fun being a part of their service :) Afterwards we had tea time and talked with a few of the church attendees. We had a couple of hours to ourselves while we waited for the jeeps to arrive. Right before we left we were invited to tea at our guide's family's home. It was so sad to leave such an awesome place...I really wish we could have been there for a week! We stopped by the tree line on our way back to Darjeeling and while we were there Oy and I were asked multiple times to take a picture with people (being foreigners makes you a celebrity)

On Monday we made and took sandwiches to the beggars again. I love doing this so much! That afternoon we had debrief time with Mel (base director). It was good to think through all the great things we have gotten to do in Darjeeling :) Auntie (the wife of the pastor who we did the prayer walks with) taught me how to tie a sari! That evening a few of us went out to get egg rolls (so good!). First of all I will say that Darjeeling is a pretty safe place (definitely much safer then Kolkata). But for the first time I had a somewhat freaky moment. I was with Kayla and Andi when we got the egg rolls and about that time a beggar came up to us (I am pretty sure this beggar wasn't from here because his begging tactics were very different-more like Kolkata). Anyway we had our back to this guy (I thought he had walked away) when all of sudden I felt hands trying to slide into my front jean pockets. I jumped and yelled "what the heck!"  By the time I had turned around, ready to backhand, he was gone. I thankfully didn't have anything in my pockets not that it would of mattered cause his hands missed my pocket.
After that little adventure we walked back to base. On the way back a family stopped us and asked if they could have picture with us. We started taking pictures and next thing we knew we were stopping the flow of traffic because other families has joined in the picture. As we walked away a random guy walking in front of me asked where I was from and after telling him he wished me a nice day. That night a few of us attempted to have a movie night but It ended up turning into a game night with cookies and yummy chai tea :)

On Tuesday we went back to our weekly ministries. Oy and I went to help kids with homework at the orphanage. They didn't end up having homework so we just played games. At the end we took pictures and then the kids gave us a big group hug! I am going to miss those sweet kids so much. It was pouring on our 20 min walk back to base...thankfully I am finally getting into the habit of carrying an umbrella! Gabie and Val left in the afternoon for Kolkata. They left early so Gabie would have time to apply for a Thailand visa. That evening I made the chai tea for the first time (even the base locals approved!). Then Kayla and I joined the staff in watching a movie. Of course that was after The base leader had to read every movie he had on his computer..."if you are holy...I mean if you are Christian...I have lots of Christian movies...*reads list* Book of Eli, Machine Gun Preacher, Because of Winn Dixie." We ended up watching "Million Dollar Baby" depressing.

Today is a free day. We had pancakes for breakfast and then I walked around Darjeeling for a little bit. I am unfortunately starting to feel sick again (cold) so I have been taking it easy all day. Fun night was dinner (great pizza) and game night.

Side note: I am not the only one feeling ick. We have had a couple of people who have been fighting coughs and colds and even had a few people who have had upset tummies. Poor baby Amy has been running a fever and throwing up off and on. Please be praying everyone feels better very soon!

We leave Darjeeling tomorrow afternoon and will be taking the night train to Kolkata. Please be praying that our traveling will go well! We will arrive in Kolkata the morning of the 23rd and then flying to Bangkok the night of the 24th :) I can't believe my time in Darjeeling is over! :(

Farewell Darjeeling
Thank you Lord for the wonderful weather! I loved not sweating for 3 weeks. It was great to look at the  majestic Himalayas daily. Your are such an amazing Creator! Getting to meet the amazing Nepali and Indian people, especially the sweet kids that stole my heart. This has to be one of the best outreach locations! Thank you Lord for bringing me to India :)

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