Friday, January 24, 2014

Yesterday-The Bleeding Women

Thursday: We had a great time of worship and then Linda (from YWAM Thailand) spoke. She is with us until Monday talking about 'Hearing Gods voice'. At this lecture, she had us find a object that best describes us. One team member chose an iPhone cause she is complicated but she has a lot of knowledge, another chose a speaker cause while he doesn't look like much he is creative (like the speakers). I chose my Thailand bag. Because while I wouldn't consider myself bright, I am bold. Anywhoo (Jerome and I have decided that anywhoo is far better then saying anyway) we then started reading the story of the bleeding women from Mark 5. We talked about how this women had been a total outcast for 12 years; she probably hadn't had eye contact with anyone during that time and most people looked at her like she was invisible (she was unclean due to the bleeding) and she was only called 'women'.  As Linda told the story she had us act it out. I ended up being the bleeding women. We guessed that when Jesus spoke to the women he got down on his knees and looked her in the eye and (bible says) he called her 'daughter'. Can you imagine? You were an outcast for 12 years, feeling no love or acceptance because people couldn't be around you. Then Jesus knelt down to your level, looked you in the eye (first person to do this in 12 years) and called you 'Daughter'. Well in that moment I was in the place of that women and I broke. Like BROKE! In that moment I was an outcast being loved for the first time in 12 years! I literally started sobbing in front of the whole classroom (for those who know me well this is totally not like me. I DO NOT like to cry in public). It was totally awesome though! I am sure that bleeding women felt exactly how I did. Except she probably felt it10x more intensely. God loves us SO much :)

As for the rest of the day, we went to the monthly YWAM Thailand meeting and then went to eat at a market with our small groups. I am in LJ and Jerome's small group (Andi-Texas, Valerie-Canada, Santy-Indonesia are all in my small group). 

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