Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day. It was 70 degrees as we walked to class at 9am. It still got warm in the afternoon but not as bad as the day before. Class time was spent doing worship and going over our schedule for the weeks to come. The last week of lectures we get to go to a conference in Cambodia! We got to have a chill afternoon and then we headed to the mall. Right as we were leaving  the bench on one side of the truck collapsed and left a few girls with some bad scratches on their backs. Andi, who's luggage was left in Beijing and still hasn't arrived in Thailand, got the worse of it. Please be praying for her and that her luggage would arrive soon. The mall here is HUGE! Took us forever to find our way around. Lots of the stores are in America so I am coming to this place when I need to see some familiar things (and the mall has TONS of ice cream places so I will be here often haha). We ate at a Pizza place which was great :) our waiter was the sweetest waiter ever! I got asked to be to one of the photographers for the. Rugby tourney in February! This tournament is a International Tourney (so it's BIG) that Nak Suu puts on for fundraising. Nak Suu is the rugby ministry that Ark runs. I am really excited to be a part if this! Some if the girls are starting to have their 'I am having a hard time adjusting' breakdowns. Please be praying that we are considerate towards one another! There are a couple of girls I am having a harder time working with but beyond that I get along with everyone really well. So please be praying that I have patience & understanding with everyone! Off to start another day! Side note: it's kinda awkward trying to eat breakfast as your roommates give a house tour to their family via Skype. They always choose to introduce me right when my mouth is full haha!

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