Saturday, March 15, 2014

Visa week

I will start with the good news: Our Indian Visa applications went through!!! unfortunately it took three trips to the embassy for that to happen. In the last week my free time was filled with putting together and then editing visa applications. While I enjoyed the work, after editing applications for the second time it got old.

Besides our visa applications we were trying to prepare for our fundraiser that happened yesterday. It was a little nutty trying to do visa stuff around all the prep. I spent all day yesterday baking with Miriam while the garage sale went on. The thai's in our neighborhood are really into yard sales. There was a couple of fights over shoes and such...(thai's don't fight so it was strange seeing their aggressiveness). That night we had a carnival and concert (featuring our Music DTS band!). It all went well although I was totally exhausted by the end of the day.

As for other week events our lecture topic was Relationships. Pretty good although my week was so busy I really didn't have much time to process anything that was talked about. I am thankful that I got some time to talk with Averyl (our speaker); that helped the topic sink in a little. Community night was French themed. We watched a really weird French movie (Sarah knew the movie). A group went to the community on Tuesday night to do something for the kids at Pi Blahs church, but I stayed home and worked on visa stuff. Thursday night we all got together to have Indian food (chicken curry and chai tea) and watch Bride and Prejudice (a Bollywood film). Hilariously awkward movie and it made us all excited about India!

So yeah that's pretty much what's going down I will be sharing my testimony at a translators training at YWAM. I really need to get to work on that ( I haven't had time to think about it at all) and finish homework.

Only 2 weeks until we leave for Cambodia!!!!  Which means that lecture phase is over and we are half way through the DTS :o

Prayer requests:
-preparation for Outreach goes well
-Lynne had severe food poisoning this week, she is currently in the hospital and should be coming home  today. Pray for full recovery for her.
-money to be raised for outreach. I think we still need to raise 8,000 usd.
-prayer against sickness and accidents!!

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