Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Elephants, Easter, and movies :)

I had one of the best weekends ever!
After arriving back in Bangkok on Friday 6 of us were ready to leave at 5:45 am to head to elephant camp! We went with a tour company (it was just our group though). We stopped at a floating market and at a bridge that was used during WWII. Come to find out the train track and bridge we visited will be featured in movie called "The Railway Man". Colin Firth stars in this movie and it's about the prisoners of war that the Japanese forced to help build the track and bridge. I had no idea that I would end up getting a history lesson.

So riding elephants...
It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done!!! We got to ride the elephants bareback to the river and then got to play with them in the water. It was so cool! If any of you ever come to Thailand you have to do this! My elephant kept giving me kisses with his truck (or smelling me haha).

Easter Sunday! We left our house at 5am for the sunrise service at church. Due to being up so early it really felt like the day was never going to end. After the service we had the rest of the day off so almost everyone went to a market downtown except for Kayla, Shaneen, and I. Want to guess what our Easter dinner was? Yep, McDonalds. But get this: McDonalds delivers in Thailand! After our "nutritious" dinner we had a movie night.

Monday morning we started on Camp Zoe prep and have been really busy with that for the last two days. I did the Devo Monday morning. I talked about how thankful we should be that Jesus gave up EVERYTHING for us...He paid for us so salvation is free. Because of Jesus we can nail our sins to His cross instead of doing an animal sacrifice. Think of how much animal sacrifices that have happened and how many animals you would of had to sacrifice for your own life. Jesus took EVERY sacrifice and made it so instead of having rituals we can come directly into His presence.

As for evening activities: Monday night Kayla, Shaneen, Gabie, Jerome and I went to see Captain America 2. The theater is huge! (Thailand are known for their HUGE malls, theaters as well). Before the movie they have the song to the King, which you have to stand for. I almost put my right hand over my heart but caught myself before I did.

We leave for Camp Zoe tomorrow morning and will be at the camp until Sunday! I am really excited :) I am helping with the water games on Friday and with the Freetimes :) Please be in prayer!

Only a week away until we leave for India!

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