Tuesday, April 29, 2014

India bound!

T-minus 3 hours until we start the journey to India! I am excited, nervous, and totally don’t feel like its actually happening.
While we are in India I will be in charge of transportation. Little did I know that the job would be become difficult! When I went online this afternoon to check on trian ticket prices I noticed that EVERY train had a waiting list…of 30 or more people!!! Thankfully, I was already all packed because I spent the afternoon with Manuel looking up transportation options. We called the Darjeeling base and they said the internet is usually not totally correct…which means: When we arrive in Kolkata at the crack of dawn (literally) Manuel and I will have to go to the train station to try to book train tickets. If they don’t have tickets then we are going to a travel agent who will find us transportation. Here comes the adventure!  

But that isn’t the only unexpected situation. Our wonderful outreach leader LJ has been really sick so she decided that she is going to stay back and give the leadership position to Gabie (orginal second in command). Manuel, Miriam and Kayla will be Gabie’s support. LJ hopes to join us in a week. Please be praying for LJ: healing, that she will get the rest she needs, and the doctors will figure out whats wrong.

 India already has shown a lot of surprises and I sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The base told us that it has been cold in Darjeeling (first time I will be in cold weather since January!!). Man I am really excited about the adventure ahead of me J

Quick overview of last week: Wed-Sunday was Camp Zoe, a camp for teens that are a part of our Nak Suu (rugby) program. It was SO much fun! I especially loved getting to work with teens again…I really miss The Next Wave and Campus Life kids at home! I was a behind the scenes person and helped with Freetime and the Water games. I especially loved coloring, feeding fish, and playing hide and seek with my leader’s kids. The kids attending the camp are from some slums that Ark works with and a Boys home. All of them come from Buddhist families and for many of them this was the first time they were told that Jesus loves them and He can be our friend. We had a time for the kids to write out their prayers and put them on a board. So many of them broke my heart: “I want higher education” “Whenever I wake up I miss my mom” “I want a real family” “I wish I knew my real mom and dad and that they would love me”. We had 24/7 prayer going on during the camp. It was hour slots and I absouletly loved every turn I had to pray for these kids!

I still can’t believe India is really here!

 On a different note: I only have a month and a half until I am home! Its really crazy and kinda scary!

Prayer requests:

-team unity

-blessings for transportation

-wisdom for our leadership

-safe travels and health

1 comment:

  1. Hi Britt,
    Wow, I know who I want to bring along with me on my next foreign travel adventure! What great stories and experiences you are accumulating! It is heart breaking hearing those prayer requests, and I sent up a little prayer for them as I read your blog! It really puts things in perspective(a much needed kick in my mental status about school), and I need to do some appreciating of the opportunity that I am getting to....enjoy....LOL!! Well Sister, I will be praying for you for safe travels and a healthy and fulfilling stay in India! Keep warm(hehehehe)! Miss you, Aunt Karen
