Friday, February 28, 2014

Walking Street and Unity

Walking street. When you hear that you would think it was a little market with random merchandise. Well it is a market but for a whole different reason. It is the largest, most well known Red Light District in Pattaya. Last night we prayer walked up and down the street. It wasn't what I expected. The bars were much more high class then the street we went to a couple of nights ago-the difference, This street is literally a tourist attraction. Families walk these streets taking pictures, men took their little boys to talk to prostitutes as if they were celebrities. It was horrible. I have never felt so heavy as I walked through a place. The minute I stepped off that street I felt I could breathe again. But those who were stuck there probably don't know what it's like to breathe fresh air. There were a lot of Eastern Europe girls. I would bet that most of them are being trafficked. I was so hard to walk right by them and not being able to do anything about it.

Moments like that makes me incredibly thankful for prayer. Although I couldn't physically help those trapped in that street I can intercede for them. I kept asking God is "where are you in this? All I can see is darkness!" He then reminded me "the light shines in darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." (John 1:5). Although the darkness seems so thick it can never put out Gods light.

Yesterday afternoon all the girls on the DTS got together to pray about unity.  We had a time of worship and then spent time washing each other's feet. I found that receiving the washing was more humbling than washing the others person feet. Before that we spent some of our lecture time going around telling each other we have each other's back and setting past wrongs right. God is going to do crazy things through our group! Please continue to be praying for the unity of our team, especially as outreach time approaches (only 4 weeks until we are in Cambodia!)

I am off to explore an island near Pattaya now and then we are heading back to Bangkok tonight

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