Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lectures and transportation begin!

Today was great! Another beautiful day weather wise! We officially started lectures today. Our lecture topic is team building for the next 3 days. The Leadership Development Team from YWAM Thailand are the speakers for the training. They are an awesome team of leaders and I love all of them! We have discussed personalities on the DISC personality format. 1 thing that really stood out to me during the lecture: Averyl (one of the speakers) told us that what it takes you to learn in 5 years of living, you will live and experience in these next 6 months. All I can say is: wow. Quote that stood out to me: "When you are in the Valley, farm it. You won't get it from the mountains." -Linda (speaker).

After lunch it was free time. Kayla, Andi and I went to Ikea to get bedding and bins. Dillion drove us over but for a ride home we took a taxi. This was our first time taking a Taxi without any Translator or DTS leader. Needless to say this turned into a slight adventure. Our driver had no clue where our neighborhood was and all I could say in Thai was "straight, left, right, and stop here". Not totally handy when your not completely sure where you're going. We ended up getting off to early and after a good laugh we got another taxi to take us the final stretch home. It was a good experience, I officially know how to handle taxis and can direct them to my neighborhood. Tonight we went over to Lea and Rachael (our directors) house for dinner. Gabie (staff and from Costa Rica) made fajitas and salsa! It was wonderful have some Mexican/Costa Rican food! Now the day is coming to an end. I am so excited to see how God is going to be working in my life in these next 6 months! Prayers for teamwork still appreciated and needed :)  Goodnight everyone! :)


  1. Hey, so still trying to figure out this comment now trying on the desktop computer...your digitally challenged Mama :)

  2. Well, i just did it from my smartphone :)

  3. Its not you its actually her blog....pretty weird.

  4. Well, goody for you, Alexis. And now you can figure it out on mine next time I see you:)
